i am going to wait
slumber and envision
lick moisture from your
fatigued neck
cup you in the palm of my
innocent hands
trail your scent though my daydreams
etch the hollow below your lip into my
starving mind
construct geographical maps of you callouses
tenderize the knuckles
make nice the bed
I sip
disappointing tea
from a chipped
blue china cup
you were never here
though i may taste the salinity
hold the weight
clutch at the scent
trace the hollow
recite the capitals
take note, the elasticity
tug the sheet
and taste the tea
you were but a
(Written 25/12/09. Dedicated to H. C.)
Friday, 25 December 2009

Woke to the sound of my little siblings piercing cries of joy, Christmas morning has a tangible feeling to it, unlike any other morning that we spend together. We started with opening our stockings and then some presents, had a brekky of Wife Saver and Bucks Fizz, then finished off the presents. I'm preparing my stomach for the dinner tonight.
I love little holiday traditions, pajamas on Christmas Eve, Bucks [Fizz] in the morning, reading and walking time in the middle of the day, calling all the relatives time in the early afternoon.
Have laughter filled holiday everyone!
Thursday, 24 December 2009
To remember all this took only about a second and, after the vivid memory faded I closed my window and sat down on my bed, all the while still looking at my rapidly melting snowflake. I'm not really sure if Ms R's metaphor did anything for anyone, possibly it only succeeded in breaking the tension of a first day, but right then, in that moment, I felt her looking at me, demanding that I be me, that I be unique, insisting that to be successful on stage you had to learn the art of being present in every single moment. Living solely for that moment.
Without warning I felt the immense pressure in my chest, the betraying welling of tears, the bitter pain of a cry ripping its way up my throat. I wondered at the sudden urgency of my emotions. The force of one silly memory. I realized I was sad for myself. I had been waiting for you, H. to come make me happy, I'd been living in my dream world, caught up in the fascination of the barren lands of sleeplessness.
On impulse I licked the melted snowflake from my finger, wrapped myself in my duvet and fell into one of the most restful sleeps I've had in a long while. I woke with the taste of snowflake on my tongue and the tingling of Christmas in my bones.
Merry Christmas Eve everyone.
Songs of a Girl:
Samskeyti by Sigur Ros
Mornings Fascination:
Gorilla Art
*I don't actually think I'm an insomniac, or not in the long-suffering-don't-sleep-at-ALL sense of the word, I view my recent predicament as a slow spiral into beginner insomnia.
**I've started noticing things such as the way light creeps into and diffuses a dark room, the pitch of drunken teenagers as they stumble below my window, the reverberating hum of my kittens contentment, and, most acutely, the piercing silence after I have unplugged all the lights, radios, phones etc. from my room and the high almost tintinnabulic sound of the dormant electricity is extinguished.
***Lately I have been dreaming-that is when I fall asleep, which is becoming less and less frequent-about you, H. I don't dream dirty things, or angelic wedding type things, really all I dream are everyday things. Small occurrences, little blips of life, but with one very large difference. You, H. are there. You will hold me, or laugh with me, touch my cheek or start the car. In some ways I find this dreams a lot more saddening than if I was simply dreaming of very naughty encounters or extremely pleasing foreplay, see the dreams I'm dreaming are exposing a much deeper need and dread.
+Oh that was a decent amount of time ago.
gorilla art,
Ms. R.,
Sigur Ros,
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Monday, 21 December 2009
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Discovering the Strikethrough
I have agreed to memorize, three long Jose Rivera monologues in a ridiculously short amount of time. Ms. R. and my fellow students are expecting great things, and my family is tired of hearing me practicing so I've been banished from the general living space. I'm currently huddled in my bed wearing practically every sweater I own because our heating isn't working and it's a ridiculous -20something Celsius.
To explain the picture above you only have to look at my stocking collection and my wish list and put two and two together. I love the little girl meets deep colors and beautifully crafted pieces look that this picture embodies.
New Thing of the day:
A hair cut! (Thanks to my connections at the gay-staffed, snazzily furnished hair salon. I love going there, they're all such a riot)
Song of the day:
Stellify by Ian Brown
Food of the day:
Left-over peach, plum and apple crisp
Feeling of the day:
Thoroughly chilled
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Battle the [Plastic] Bag
Today I watched a very informational documentary, now before you get your knickers in a twist or fall asleep hear me out. It was called "Battle of the Bag" Basically it made me appalled at our use of plastic bags. One of my New Years Resolutions will be to not use any more plastic bags. Yes I know it’s not that close to new years but I'll be rebellious and start now. I've already stopped getting to-go cups, if I've forgotten my coffee mug I can't get a drink, this has proved very problematic on hectic mornings when I really need a jolt before class and I've forgot my cup. But I've managed to stay strong and keep my vow. So it shall be with the plastic bags, I'll always carry I funkaly decorated cloth bag with me.
Feeling of a Girl:
Song of a Girl:
Rue Des Cascades By Yann Tiersen
Research done by a Girl:
Sufism, Buddhism, Wiccan, all done for my Language Arts class
Feeling of a Girl:
Song of a Girl:
Rue Des Cascades By Yann Tiersen
Research done by a Girl:
Sufism, Buddhism, Wiccan, all done for my Language Arts class
Battle of the Bag,
morning coffee,
Yann Tiersen
Monday, 7 December 2009
A Lose of Power
School has been very overwhelming lately, perhaps that's why I'm turning to this blog, I'm a very fantastic procrastinator. Physics and Maths have been particularly demanding, although we are learning fascinatingly interesting things in Physics. Formulas for work, power, efficiency and such. "Energy cannot be created or destroyed." That doesn't seem quite right does it? I supposed I must remember deciding factors such as "closed, isolated systems." It makes me think of every day words with new meanings. "Work is only done if the object to which the force is being applied moves." Shut up brain!
I've been daydreaming of traveling. Unpacking traveling books and hanging my beautiful word map is not helping at all. For now though they will have to do.
Song being listened to by a Girl:
The Alcohol Dairy by Deathcab for Cutie.
Book being read by a Girl:
The Suckers Kiss by Alan Parker.
Desires of a Girl:
A glass of deep, red wine and sleep.
I've been daydreaming of traveling. Unpacking traveling books and hanging my beautiful word map is not helping at all. For now though they will have to do.
Song being listened to by a Girl:
The Alcohol Dairy by Deathcab for Cutie.
Book being read by a Girl:
The Suckers Kiss by Alan Parker.
Desires of a Girl:
A glass of deep, red wine and sleep.
Deathcab for Cutie.,
The Suckers Kiss,
travel guides
Thursday, 3 December 2009
In The Beginning
In the beginning there was a man and a woman. They didn't fall in love, per say, we shall call it lust. From this melting pot came a baby. A baby girl. This girl grew up, she became me.
I've never done anything like this before, I mean I'm on Facebook, but really, who isn't? Apart from people who don't have regular computer access, are to old, or disinterested, or are basically just well rooted in their sense of being and don't need the reassurance of a friends "LOL, I <3 u. u beautiful girl!" comment blatantly hanging below every pursed-lipped picture. So if I stumble, don't laugh to hard as I brush off my bruised knees, if I break some un-written Blogger rule, gently let me in on the secret. Most importantly, if I bore you, stop reading this shit and GO MAKE SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL!
Soundtrack of a Girl:
Blood Bank by Bon Iver.
Word from a Girl:
I've never done anything like this before, I mean I'm on Facebook, but really, who isn't? Apart from people who don't have regular computer access, are to old, or disinterested, or are basically just well rooted in their sense of being and don't need the reassurance of a friends "LOL, I <3 u. u beautiful girl!" comment blatantly hanging below every pursed-lipped picture. So if I stumble, don't laugh to hard as I brush off my bruised knees, if I break some un-written Blogger rule, gently let me in on the secret. Most importantly, if I bore you, stop reading this shit and GO MAKE SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL!
Soundtrack of a Girl:
Blood Bank by Bon Iver.
Word from a Girl:
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